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Metadata Updated: January 31, 2025

Download In State Plane Projection Here

In addition to the Tax Parcel polygons feature class, the hyperlink download above also contains a parcel point data layer

Parcel boundaries are developed from deeds, plats of subdivision and other legal documents going back to the mid 1800's, following generally accepted practices used in Public Land Survey System states, and following guidelines established by the Illinois Department of Revenue and the International Association of Assessment Officials. Lake County's parcel coverage is based on resolving the accumulated evidence of all of the legal documents surrounding a particular parcel or subdivision, and not the result of a countywide resurvey. These parcel boundaries are intended to be a visual inventory of property for tax and other administrative purposes; they are not intended to be used in place of an on-site survey or for the precise determination of property corners or PLSS features based on GIS coordinates. In Illinois, only a registered professional land surveyor is authorized to determine boundary locations.

Included are the tax parcel boundaries, represented as polygons and centroids, for all changes resulting from legal records submitted to the Recorder of Deeds up to December 31st of the preceding year, as well as any court orders, municipal annexations and other transactions which impact the tax parcel boundaries. NOTE: The ONLY attribute included is the Property Index Number, or PARCEL_NUM. Additional assessment attribute data can be downloaded here

This parcel layer is used for tax assessment purposes and for a variety of other local government functions. It changes often, both spatially and in its attribution, based on divisions or consolidations, the sale of property and other transactions.

Example: PIN 08-17-304-014 can be interpreted as follows: Township 08, Section 17, Block 304, Parcel 014. Note that the first digit of block, "3" in this example, signifies that the parcel lies in quarter section 3. The quarter sections are labeled from 1 through 4, representing the northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast quarter sections, respectively.

Update Frequency: This dataset is updated on a weekly basis.

Access & Use Information

Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: See this page for license information.

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Metadata Created Date February 3, 2023
Metadata Updated Date January 31, 2025

Metadata Source

Harvested from Open data from Lake County, Illinois

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date February 3, 2023
Metadata Updated Date January 31, 2025
Publisher Lake County Illinois GIS
Data First Published 2016-11-30T21:15:38.000Z
Data Last Modified 2024-12-09T14:41:33.736Z
Category geospatial
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id eebfe394-9318-49ea-8520-b8742a55aa74
Harvest Source Id e2c1b013-5957-4c37-9452-7d0aafee3fcc
Harvest Source Title Open data from Lake County, Illinois
Homepage URL
Metadata Type geospatial
Old Spatial -88.1994,42.1524,-87.7598,42.4957
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash dbf7b4e88b1f5ff050efbae9db46729d904e4fb637f96ad276c1d004c4dd12dc
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -88.1994, 42.1524, -88.1994, 42.4957, -87.7598, 42.4957, -87.7598, 42.1524, -88.1994, 42.1524}

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