Level of Service recent views
Level of service is updated at the end of March, June, September and December, Approved (by council or admin approval) residential site plans, subdivisions and use permits are... -
Neighborhoods recent views
Neighborhoods in the City of Chesapeake. Maintained by Information Technology. -
Cemeteries recent views
Cemeteries within the City of Chesapeake -
Borrow Pits recent views
Reported borrow pits in the City of Chesapeake. -
City Boundary recent views
GIS representation of Chesapeake's corporate boundary. Not official. -
Watersheds recent views
Watersheds in the City of Chesapeake. Maintained by Public Works. -
Planning Areas recent views
The nine planning areas in the City of Chesapeake. Maintained by the Planning Department. -
Voting Precincts recent views
Voting precincts in the City of Chesapeake. Maintained by Voter Registrar. -
Polling Places recent views
Polling places in the City of Chesapeake. Maintained by Voter Registrar. -
Survey Controls recent views
Survey Controls in the City of Chesapeake. Maintained by Public Works. -
Development Tracking recent views
The polygons are generated from the parcel numbers of the applications from the ARC Review Memo twice a month. Development boundaries represent the parcel's configuration during... -
2035 Land Use Classes recent views
2035 land use classes in the City of Chesapeake. Maintained by the Planning Department. -
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act recent views
Areas within the City that come under the purview of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act. Maintained by the Planning Department. -
Building Outlines recent views
The original building outlines were created from the 2005 Pictometry aerial imagery. The Building Class field was added from the 2011 Community Basemap project and the type...