FY2024 Multifamily Residential Units recent views
FY2024 Multifamily Residential Units rated by the Austin Energy Green Building. -
Insurance agents, adjusters, and people approved to manage insurance-related products or claims recent views
The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) is responsible for licensing, registering, certifying, and regulating people who sell insurance or adjust property and casualty claims in... -
Austin Energy Green Building recent views
This story details the cumulative projects that were rated by the Austin Energy Green Building Team since the program began. -
HHSC CCL Sections and Standards Evaluated Data recent views
This data set contains the list of sections evaluated along with number of standards evaluated and violated in each section for activities (inspections, investigations and... -
FY2022 AEGB Single Family Rating recent views
This page contains the single family projects rated by Austin Energy Green Building in FY2022. -
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Waste Shipment Summary recent views
Information from the TCEQ Waste Shipment Summary report form used by unregistered episodic generators of Industrial Class 1 or Hazardous Waste (IHW). This dataset contains the... -
BOUNDARIES_recycle_collection_routes recent views
Recycle Collection Routes- There are currently 190 recycle collection routes. Recycle collection is every other week pickup monday thru friday represented as either A or B week... -
All Cigarette and Tobacco Retailers recent views
This file contains information at the outlet level for all Cigarette/Tobacco Retailers with an active permit or that have been active within the last four years. The list is for... -
R8-Bid Tabulations recent views
Bid Tabulations dataset displays advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings from the official sources of The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD),... -
Real-Time Road Conditions recent views
Austin Transportation & Public Works maintains road condition sensors across the city which monitor the temperature and surface condition of roadways. These sensors enable... -
Board of Adjustment Cases recent views
This dataset was created to compile information about Board of Adjustment (BOA) cases filed with the City of Austin. The information is retrieved daily from the City's... -
Network Adequacy Waiver Request - Major Medical recent views
This dataset includes information related to network adequacy waiver requests filed by major medical health benefit plans. It includes data on physicians, providers, and... -
Expense Open Budget-revised recent views
The operating budget provides spending authorization for the various programs and activities of the City. Please visit -
Campaign Finance - Travel Outside of Texas recent views
Contains detailed information for expenditures or an in-kind contributions that were used for travel outside the state of Texas. Data in this sheet corresponds to the... -
Title agency & title direct operations – appointments by county and underwriter recent views
This data set includes a row for each active underwriter appointment by county for Title Agencies and Title Direct Operations. -
APD Cadets in Training recent views
DATASET DESCRIPTION: Cadets in Training data is collected from the APD Training Academy. Data provided begins with the 143rd Cadet Class which started on February 18, 2020.... -
Austin Crash Report Data - Crash Level Records recent views
This dataset contains traffic crash records for crashes which have occurred in Austin, TX in the last ten years. It is one of two datasets which power our Vision Zero Viewer... -
Workers’ Compensation Maximum Medical Improvement Doctors and Designated Doctors List recent views
The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC) maintains a database of health care providers with current maximum medical improvement (MMI) and... -
Zoning Ordinance recent views
This feature class is made up of City of Austin zoning ordinance boundaries. Work on this layer began in 2001 with zoning ordinance polygons entered on a day forward basis....