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Agronomic Calendars for the Bushland, Texas Winter Wheat Datasets

Metadata Updated: May 2, 2024

This dataset consists of agronomic calendars for each growing season (year) when winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown for grain at the USDA-ARS Conservation and Production Laboratory (CPRL), Soil and Water Management Research Unit (SWMRU) research weather station, Bushland, Texas (Lat. 35.186714°, Long. -102.094189°, elevation 1170 m above MSL). Winter wheat was grown for grain on two large, precision weighing lysimeters, each in the center of a 4.44 ha square field. The four square fields are themselves arranged in a larger square with the fields in four adjacent quadrants of the larger square. Fields and lysimeters within each field are thus designated northeast (NE), southeast (SE), northwest (NW), and southwest (SW). Irrigation was by linear move sprinkler system. Irrigations designated as full were managed to replenish soil water used by the crop on a weekly or more frequent basis as determined by soil profile water content readings made with a neutron probe to 2.4-m depth in the field. Irrigations designated as deficit typically involved full irrigation to establish the crop followed by limited or no irrigation in the later winter and spring. A crop calendar for each season lists by date the pertinent agronomic and maintenance operations (e.g., planting, thinning, fertilization, pesticide application, lysimeter maintenance, harvest). For each season there is a crop calendar for the two lysimeters. In the 1989-1990 seasons the NW and SW lysimeters and fields were planted to winter wheat, and in the 1991-1992 season the NE and SE lysimeters and fields were planted to winter wheat. These datasets originate from research aimed at determining crop water use (ET), crop coefficients for use in ET-based irrigation scheduling based on a reference ET, crop growth, yield, harvest index, and crop water productivity as affected by irrigation method, timing, amount (full or some degree of deficit), agronomic practices, cultivar, and weather. Prior publications have focused on ET, crop coefficients, and crop water productivity. Crop coefficients have been used by ET networks. The data have utility for testing simulation models of crop ET, growth, and yield and have been used by the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP), and by many others for testing, and calibrating models of ET that use satellite and/or weather data.Resources in this dataset:Resource Title: 1989-1990 Bushland, TX, west winter wheat agronomic calendar File Name: 1989-1990 West Wheat Calendar.xlsx Resource Description: This agronomic calendar lists by date the agronomic operations on the Bushland, TX, large weighing lysimeters and surrounding fields, including tillage, planting, fertilization, pesticide application, furrow diking, irrigations, etc., and also sensor installation, sensor reading that might disturb lysimeter operation (neutron probe readings), maintenance operations such as emptying drainage tanks, adjusting lysimeter scale counterweights, electronic and electrical maintenance, etc. Amounts and kinds of fertilizer and pesticide applications are given with proper chemical names and SI units.Resource Title: 1991-1992 Bushland, TX, west winter wheat agronomic calendar File Name: 1991-1992 East Wheat Calendar.xlsx Resource Description: This agronomic calendar lists by date the agronomic operations on the Bushland, TX, large weighing lysimeters and surrounding fields, including tillage, planting, fertilization, pesticide application, furrow diking, irrigations, etc., and also sensor installation, sensor reading that might disturb lysimeter operation (neutron probe readings), maintenance operations such as emptying drainage tanks, adjusting lysimeter scale counterweights, electronic and electrical maintenance, etc. Amounts and kinds of fertilizer and pesticide applications are given with proper chemical names and SI units.Resource Title: 1992-1993 Bushland, TX, west winter wheat agronomic calendar File Name: 1992-1993 West Wheat Calendar.xlsx Resource Description: This agronomic calendar lists by date the agronomic operations on the Bushland, TX, large weighing lysimeters and surrounding fields, including tillage, planting, fertilization, pesticide application, furrow diking, irrigations, etc., and also sensor installation, sensor reading that might disturb lysimeter operation (neutron probe readings), maintenance operations such as emptying drainage tanks, adjusting lysimeter scale counterweights, electronic and electrical maintenance, etc. Amounts and kinds of fertilizer and pesticide applications are given with proper chemical names and SI units.

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. License: Creative Commons CCZero

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Metadata Created Date May 2, 2024
Metadata Updated Date May 2, 2024
Data Update Frequency irregular

Metadata Source

Harvested from USDA JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date May 2, 2024
Metadata Updated Date May 2, 2024
Publisher Agricultural Research Service
Identifier 10.15482/USDA.ADC/1527915
Data Last Modified 2024-04-08
Public Access Level public
Data Update Frequency irregular
Bureau Code 005:18
Metadata Context
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 2b123d6a-e12a-4da1-bb35-cf09d1a2057e
Harvest Source Id d3fafa34-0cb9-48f1-ab1d-5b5fdc783806
Harvest Source Title USDA JSON
Old Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -102.09906463948, 35.191719970106, -102.07671433134, 35.19121493622, -102.07678299485, 35.1865853205, -102.07609634934, 35.177044674547, -102.09913330298, 35.177072738625, -102.09906463948, 35.191719970106}
Program Code 005:040
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash c2898998e1810c2a63503bcf88b376f93871731e46ac4e8d6c1f9bf11a7cda26
Source Schema Version 1.1
Spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": -102.09906463948, 35.191719970106, -102.07671433134, 35.19121493622, -102.07678299485, 35.1865853205, -102.07609634934, 35.177044674547, -102.09913330298, 35.177072738625, -102.09906463948, 35.191719970106}

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