Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate short-term (End Point Rate)shoreline change statistics for the South Shore coastal region from Hewitts Cove in Hingham to the Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich (SouthShore_intersects_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
NCCN Prairie Vegetation Monitoring at San Juan Island National Historical Park Geospatial Dataset, 2007-2017 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This geospatial dataset contains North Coast and Cascades Network (NCCN) prairie vegetation monitoring spatial data collected during 2007-2017 at in San Juan Island... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics within the Nantucket coastal region including the Nantucket Sound- and Atlantic Ocean- facing coasts of Nantucket, Muskeget and Tuckernuck Islands (Nantucket_intersects_LTw.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics excluding the 1970-1979 and 1994 shorelines within the Elizabeth Islands coastal region from Nonamesset Island southwest of Woods Hole to Cuttyhunk Island north of Martha's Vineyard (ElizabethIslands_intersects_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and long-term linear regression shoreline change statistics without shorelines from 1970-1979 and 1994 within the Martha's Vineyard coastal region including the Vineyard Sound-, Nantucket Sound- and Atlantic Ocean- facing coasts of Martha's Vineyard and Nomans Land (MarthasVineyard_transects_rates_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and short-term (1970-2009) linear regression shoreline change statistics for the Boston coastal region from Carson Beach in South Boston to Weymouth River, including the Boston Harbor Islands (Boston_transects_rates_STlr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate short-term (End Point Rate) shoreline change statistics for the Elizabeth Islands coastal region from Nonamesset Island southwest of Woods Hole to Cuttyhunk Island north of Martha's Vineyard (ElizabethIslands_intersects_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and short-term (1970-2009) end point shoreline change statistics within the Nantucket coastal region including the Nantucket Sound- and Atlantic Ocean- facing coasts of Nantucket, Muskeget and Tuckernuck Islands (Nantucket_transects_rates_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics excluding the 1970's and 1994 shorelines within the Outer Cape Cod coastal region from Long Point in Provincetown to Monomoy Island (OuterCapeCod_intersects_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics excluding the 1970-1979 and 1994 shorelines within the Boston coastal region from Carson Beach in South Boston to Weymouth River, including the Boston Harbor Islands (Boston_intersects_LTwo.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Long-term and short-term shoreline change rates for the Cape Cod Bay coastal region in Massachusetts calculated with and without the proxy-datum bias using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.0 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and long-term linear regression shoreline change statistics for all data available within the South Cape Cod coastal region from Stage Harbor Light in Chatham to Nobska Point in Woods Hole (SouthCapeCod_transects_rates_LTw.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate short-term (Linear Regression Rate) shoreline change statistics for the North Shore coastal region from North Salisbury at the New Hampshire border to the west side of Deer Island in Boston Harbor (NorthShore_intersects_STlr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and short-term (1970-2009) end point rate shoreline change statistics for the Outer Cape Cod coastal region from Long Point in Provincetown to Monomoy Island (OuterCapeCod_transects_rates_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
KauaiW_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai west region from Oomano to Polihale, Hawaii recent views
Department of the Interior —
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and short-term (1970-2009) end point shoreline change statistics for the South Shore coastal region from Hewitts Cove in Hingham to the Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich (SouthShore_transects_rates_STepr.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Baseline for Buzzards Bay coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates from Nobska Point in Woods Hole to Westport at the Massachusetts-Rhode Island border (BuzzardsBay_baseline.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 shoreline intersection points used to calculate long-term shoreline change statistics within the Martha's Vineyard coastal region including the Vineyard Sound-, Nantucket Sound- and Atlantic Ocean- facing coasts of Martha's Vineyard and Nomans Land (MarthasVineyard_intersects_LTw.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 transects and long-term linear regression shoreline change statistics for all data available within the Cape Cod Bay coastal region from the Cape Cod Canal in Sandwich to Long Point in Provincetown (CapeCodBay_transects_rates_LTw.shp) recent views
Department of the Interior —
Due to continued coastal population growth and increased threats of erosion, current data on trends and rates of shoreline movement are required to inform shoreline... -
Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.3 transects with end-point rate calculations for exposed shorelines between Point Barrow and Icy Cape for the time period 1947 to 2012 recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska is an area of strategic economic importance to the United States, is home to remote Native American communities, and...