Collection United States Supreme Court Judicial Database Terms Series recent views
Department of Justice —
Investigator(s): Harold J. Spaeth, James L. Gibson, Michigan State University This data collection encompasses all aspects of United States Supreme Court decision-... -
Processing and Outcome of Death Penalty Appeals After Furman v. Georgia, 1973-1995: [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
This data collection effort was undertaken to analyze the outcomes of capital appeals in the United States between 1973 and 1995 and as a means of assessing the... -
Multistate Analysis of Time Consumption in Capital Appeals, 1992-2002 recent views
Department of Justice —
Despite public controversy over the length of death penalty appeals, little empirical work has been done on the time allocated to the capital appeals process. The... -
Line Police Officer Knowledge of Search and Seizure Law: An Exploratory Multi-city Test in the United States, 1986-1987 recent views
Department of Justice —
This data collection was undertaken to gather information on the extent of police officers' knowledge of search and seizure law, an issue with important consequences... -
Impact of Prisoner Litigation Reform, 1992-2000 [United States] recent views
Department of Justice —
In 1996, the United States Congress enacted two policies to regulate the use of the legal system by state prisoners. They were the Prisoner Litigation Reform Act... -
Effects of "United States vs. Leon" on Police Search Warrant Practices, 1984-1985 recent views
Department of Justice —
This data collection examines the impact of the Supreme Court decision in "UNITED STATES VS. LEON" on police search warrant applications in seven jurisdictions. For...