New York City Population By Neighborhood Tabulation Areas recent views
City of New York —
Population Numbers By New York City Neighborhood Tabulation Areas The data was collected from Census Bureaus' Decennial data dissemination (SF1). Neighborhood... -
Neighborhood Financial Health Digital Mapping and Data Tool recent views
City of New York —
"Neighborhood Financial Health (NFH) Digital Mapping and Data Tool provides neighborhood financial health indicator data for every neighborhood in New York City.... -
Neighborhood Clusters recent views
District of Columbia —
This data set describes Neighborhood Clusters that have been used for community planning and related purposes in the District of Columbia for many years. It does not... -
Technology Access and Adoption Survey 2023 recent views
City of Seattle —
Responses from 4197 Seattle residents to a comprehensive survey about access to broadband internet, devices ownership, online activities, digital skill levels,... -
Boundaries: City of Austin Neighborhoods recent views
City of Austin —
This feature class represents the boundaries of the City of Austin Neighborhood Planning Areas (NPA). The status of these areas, as directed by City Council, can... -
Census Demographics at the Neighborhood Tabulation Area (NTA) level recent views
City of New York —
Table of Census Demographics represented at the NTA level. NTAs are aggregations of census tracts that are subsets of New York City's 55 Public Use Micro data Areas... -
Census Data by Neighborhood Council recent views
City of Los Angeles —
Census 2010 population/demographic data approximated from block groups to LA Neighborhood Councils using Esri software. -
Pittsburgh Neighborhood Atlas, 1977 recent views
Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center —
This compilation includes five historical datasets that are part of the University of Pittsburgh Library collection. The datasets were transcribed from The... -
Neighborhood Labels recent views
District of Columbia —
This dataset was created by the DC Office of Planning and provides a simplified representation of the neighborhoods of the District of Columbia. These boundaries are... -
Vaccination Rates by Neighborhood recent views
City of Los Angeles —
Vaccination rates by neighborhood. Updated weekly. Data published from LA County Dept of Public Health:... -
Customer Service Requests recent views
City of Seattle —
This data set contains selected information for service requests received in the current year to date and the previous four calendar years, for service request types... -
DYCD Contractors recent views
City of New York —
A list of all contractors providing service(s) to New York City youth and the amount of their contract -
HUD Exchange Grantee Database recent views
Department of Housing and Urban Development —
The About Grantees section of the HUD Exchange brings up contact information, reports, award, jurisdiction, and location data for organizations that receive HUD... -
Louisville Metro KY - Urban Heat Island Neighborhood Data recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Mayor Greg Fischer formed the Louisville Metro Office of Sustainability in 2012 with a mission of promoting environmental conservation, the health, wellness and... -
Trash and Recycling Pick Up Day recent views
District of Columbia —
The Department of Public Works removes approximately 128,000 tons of trash and more than 20,000 tons of recyclables from 110,000 single-family homes and small... -
Delta Neighborhood Physical Activity Study recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The Delta Neighborhood Physical Activity Study was an observational study designed to assess characteristics of neighborhood built environments associated with... -
Providence Home Directories 1895-1935 recent views
City of Providence —
The Providence City Archives is pleased to announce the completion of a project to scan the Providence House Directories. These directories were published between... -
Pedestrian Mobility Plan Pedestrian Demand recent views
City of New York —
Based on citywide data sources for pedestrian generators, NYC DOT developed a holistic, data-driven framework to categorize streets based on pedestrian needs. The... -
DC Health Planning Neighborhoods to Census Tracts recent views
District of Columbia —
This dataset contains polygons that represent the boundaries of statistical neighborhoods as defined by the DC Department of Health (DC Health). DC Health delineates... -
Upper Albany-Small-Business-Data recent views
City of Hartford —
Data provided by the Community & Small Business Development Division of Development Services. Updated Annually.