Guadalupe County Blocks, Age by 5-Year Age Groups for Both Sexes Combined (2010) recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The once-a-decade decennial census was conducted in April 2010 by the U.S. Census Bureau. This count of every resident in the United States was mandated by Article I,... -
Guadalupe County Blocks, Total Population (2010) recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The once-a-decade decennial census was conducted in April 2010 by the U.S. Census Bureau. This count of every resident in the United States was mandated by Article I,... -
Guadalupe County 1990 Census Block Groups recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This data set is a vector polygon digital data structure taken from the Census Bureau's TIGER/Line Files, 1994, for New Mexico. The source software used was ARC/INFO... -
Guadalupe County Block Groups, Housing Tenure (2010) recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The once-a-decade decennial census was conducted in April 2010 by the U.S. Census Bureau. This count of every resident in the United States was mandated by Article I,... -
Current 5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Current Federal Congressional Districts for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Current State House Districts for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Guadalupe County 2000 Census Block Groups recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected... -
Guadalupe County 1990 Census Subcounty Areas recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This dataset is a vector digital data structure taken from the Census Bureau's TIGER/Line Files, 1994, for New Mexico. The source software used was ARC/INFO 7.0.3 -
2000 Census 5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Guadalupe County 2000 Census Blocks recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected... -
Guadalupe County TIGER Roads 1994 recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
This Data set is a vector digital data structure taken from the Census Bureau's TIGER/Line Files, 1994, for New Mexico. The source software used was ARC/INFO 7.0.3. -
2000 Census Voting Precincts for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Guadalupe County 2000 Census Tracts recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected... -
Guadalupe County Block Groups, Households by Type (2010) recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The once-a-decade decennial census was conducted in April 2010 by the U.S. Census Bureau. This count of every resident in the United States was mandated by Article I,... -
Economic Census Designated Places for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Hydrography for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Landmark Polygons for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage... -
Guadalupe County Blocks, Households by Type (2010) recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The once-a-decade decennial census was conducted in April 2010 by the U.S. Census Bureau. This count of every resident in the United States was mandated by Article I,... -
County Economic Census for Guadalupe County, New Mexico, 2006se TIGER recent views
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico —
The 2006 Second Edition TIGER/Line files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER database. The geographic coverage...