Northeast muskox population sex and age composition summary for all areas (26A+B and 26C (Arctic NWR) in Alaska and northern Yukon), 1972-2011 recent views
Department of the Interior —
During June, we perform ground-based composition counts to estimate calf production, recruitment, and adult sex ratio. We have radiocollared over 100 muskoxen in... -
Aggregate Analysis Workbooks [Monitoring NER Gray Wolf Population and Wolf Effects on NER Elk Distribution and Density] recent views
Department of the Interior —
Two workbooks were constructed to log observation data records and performs preliminary analysis of the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 seasons Elk and Bison Density study on... -
Upland Accessibility by Breeding Duck Pairs in the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Duck pair density information was predicted from models developed with breeding mallard, northern pintail, blue-winged teal, gadwall, and northern shoveler pair data... -
LiDAR - Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge recent views
Department of the Interior —
LiDAR geospatial data were collected on hatchie National Wildlife Refuge in late fall-winter 2011-2012. The associated deliverables from the project are provided as... -
Izembek NWR ATV Tracks May 2022 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Off-road ATV usage is widespread in many regions of the Izembek Refuge, especially adjacent to official roads north and west of Cold Bay. GIS analysts manually... -
Minidoka NWR Invasive Plant Inventory - Grid-based: Survey123 Results on Weed Species Occurrences (Archived Version) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This geospatial dataset consists of points corresponding to the center of 50 x 50 m grid cells which were surveyed for a finite set of target invasive plant species... -
Oregon Coast NWRC: Comprehensive Seabird Colony Catalog Database recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Oregon Seabird Colony Catalog database contains seabird survey data collected on the Oregon Coast since 1966 by the service, as well as survey data shared by... -
LiDAR - White River National Wildlife Refuge recent views
Department of the Interior —
LiDAR geospatial data were collected on approximately 60,000 acres of White River National Wildlife Refuge in late fall-winter 2016-17. The associated deliverables... -
Colonial waterbird survey counts recent views
Department of the Interior —
Raw and summarized count data from annual colonial water survey conducted at West Sister Island NWR. Breeding pair estimates were calculated for all years using 3... -
Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge Odonata records 2007 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Records of Odonata (damselflies and dragonflies) found at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge in August, 2007. This dataset provides managers with an inventory of... -
Colonial waterbird survey counts recent views
Department of the Interior —
Raw and summarized count data from annual colonial water survey conducted at West Sister Island NWR. Breeding pair estimates were calculated for all years using 3... -
Land Cover and Vegetation, Ruby Lake NWR recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset represents vegetation and land cover for Ruby Lake NWR. It was produced by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with field data collection provided by the... -
Habitat - Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection: Geospatial Datasets, 2010 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This reference contains raster datasets for Habitat - Land Cover Mapping and Change Detection (PRIMR ID: FF01RMLH00-127). These geodatabases contain raster landcover... -
Pilot Project to Develop a Long-term Aquatic Monitoring Program at National Wildlife Refuges in Region 1 for Climate Change: Tabular and Relational Datasets 2015-2017 (Archive Copies) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset represents preliminary outputs from the pilot project to develop long term aquatic health and climate change monitoring program at Refuges that was... -
R1: Oregon Coast: 1988 Aerial Photography of Nesting Seabird Colony Islands for Monitoring Purposes - Stitched Image (Mosaics) Used to Manual Count Nesting Seabirds recent views
Department of the Interior —
Photography from helicopter taken for the purposes of resource monitoring, specifically seabird colony status and distribution. Oregon Coast aerial and boat based... -
Regional Dataset: Moth (Lepidoptera) Inventories 2012-2021 recent views
Department of the Interior —
BOMS compliant csv file representing all moth data collected by on refuges for the duration of the Lepidoptera inventory work performed by Dana Ross from 2012-2021. -
Camas NWR: Landbirds - Community Composition and Abundance by Upland Habitat Type – Annual Datasets recent views
Department of the Interior —
This reference archives tabular data collected for the Landbirds - Community Composition and Abundance by Upland Habitat Type survey (PRIMR ID: FF01RCMS00-109). Each... -
R1: Oregon Coast: 2000 Aerial Photography of Nesting Seabird Colony Islands for Monitoring Purposes - Stitched (Colony) Images Used to Manual Count Nesting Seabirds, Geospatial Representation recent views
Department of the Interior —
Photography from helicopter taken for the purposes of resource monitoring, specifically seabird colony status and distribution. Oregon Coast aerial and boat based... -
R1: Oregon Coast: 1994 Aerial Photography of Nesting Seabird Colony Islands for Monitoring Purposes - Selected (Colony) Images Used For Counting, Geospatial Representation recent views
Department of the Interior —
Photography from helicopter taken for the purposes of resource monitoring, specifically seabird colony status and distribution. Oregon Coast aerial photography taken... -
Siletz Estuary Plant Community Mapping - Tabular Data, 2001 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Tabular dataset for Siletz Estuary Plant Community Mapping survey, 2001. This study mapped twelve wetland plant communities (or “alliances”) and 59 subcommunities (or...