North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) Regional Dataset [within 5 Miles of National Wildlife Refuges], 1997 - 2019 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset is a subset of data attributes selected from the (full) 1966-2019 North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) dataset to assist in populating the U.S. Fish... -
DWH NRDA Breeding Shorebirds 2011 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Deepwater Horizon beach-nesting breeding shorebird surveys and habitat assessments were completed in 2010 and 2011, by Coastal Bird Conservation/Conservian across the... -
DWH NRDA Colonial Waterbird Oiling Observation recent views
Department of the Interior —
Deepwater Horizon NRDA Bird Study #4 focused on colonial waterbirds. The goal of this study was to evaluate spill-related injury to colonial waterbirds under the... -
Upland Accessibility by Breeding Duck Pairs in the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Duck pair density information was predicted from models developed with breeding mallard, northern pintail, blue-winged teal, gadwall, and northern shoveler pair data... -
DWH NRDA Colonial, Marsh, and Shorebird Status Assessment recent views
Department of the Interior —
Deepwater Horizon Bird Studies #3, 4, and 5 each had two primary components: 1) to estimate the proportion of visibly oiled birds via observational surveys and 2) to... -
DWH NRDA Northern Gannet Point Count Survey recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data collection for Deepwater Horizon Bird Study #12 occurred in the Spring of 2011. Data were collected primarily by BioDiversity Research Institute (BRI) and R.G.... -
Oregon Coast NWRC: Comprehensive Seabird Colony Catalog Database recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Oregon Seabird Colony Catalog database contains seabird survey data collected on the Oregon Coast since 1966 by the service, as well as survey data shared by... -
DWH NRDA Osprey Aerial Survey recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data were collected primarily by the College of William and Mary personnel, under contract with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, working cooperatively with... -
DWH NRDA Fiddler Crab Burrow Count recent views
Department of the Interior —
There were multiple objectives for data collection as part of the Secretive Marsh Bird assessments. This dataset pertains to Objective 4, referred to in the study... -
DWH NRDA Marsh Bird Helicopter Survey Data recent views
Department of the Interior —
Helicopter surveys were performed throughout coastal Louisiana from August 24 through September 30, 2010. Data collection and analysis was completed by staff from... -
Data: Deployment and Recovery of GPS tags on MacGillivray’s Seaside Sparrows recent views
Department of the Interior —
This reference contains 3 data files associated with the initial deployment of GPS tags on MacGillivray’s Seaside Sparrow a subspecies of seaside sparrow petitioned... -
DWH NRDA Waterfowl Search Effort and Live Animal Assessment recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data collection for Deepwater Horizon Bird Study #10 occurred from January to March 2011. Data were collected primarily by Louisiana State University (LSU) personnel,... -
DWH NRDA Piping Plover Subsite Visitation recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset includes the information collected during re-sighting of banded piping plovers at various geographical locations along Gulf of Mexico shorelines. It... -
DWH NRDA Eagle Aerial Survey recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data were collected primarily by the College of William and Mary personnel, under contract to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, working cooperatively with... -
DWH NRDA Wintering Waterbirds Oiled Observations recent views
Department of the Interior —
Data collection for Deepwater Horizon Bird Study #12 occurred in the Spring of 2011. Data were collected primarily by BioDiversity Research Institute (BRI) and R.G.... -
Waterbird Monitoring Humboldt Bay NWR Species List recent views
Department of the Interior —
This csv file contains a list of the taxon monitored for the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge Waterbird Monitoring survey. The Integrated Taxonomic Information... -
Whooping Crane Migration through North Dakota and South Dakota recent views
Department of the Interior —
The whooping crane is a federally endangered species that the bulk of the world population winters at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge down in Texas and typically... -
DWH NRDA SDM Segment recent views
Department of the Interior —
The DWH SDM Segment dataset contains the information on the physical attributes of the shoreline segments considered in the Shoreline Deposition Model (SDM). The SDM... -
DWH NRDA Low Level Aerial Surveys recent views
Department of the Interior —
Aerial surveys associated with Deepwater Horizon Bird Study #2 occurred during the summer of 2010 and the winter of 2011. Data collection efforts were led by R.G.... -
Wapato Lake National Wildlife Refuge: 2011 LiDAR Data; Classified and Raw LAS, Shapefiles, DEM recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset includes, LiDAR point cloud, DEM, hydro-conditioned DEM, and other calibration files. All geospatial data is available through the FWS Geospatial...