Emission & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) is a comprehensive source of data on characteristics of almost all electric power generated in the... -
Alternative Fueling Station Locations recent views
Department of Energy —
Alternative fueling stations are located throughout the United States and Canada, and their availability continues to grow. The Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC)... -
NYC Building Energy and Water Data Disclosure for Local Law 84 (2022-Present) recent views
City of New York —
Local Law 84 of 2009 (LL84) requires annual energy and water benchmarking data to be submitted by owners of buildings with more than 50,000 square feet. This data is... -
Utility Energy Registry Monthly ZIP Code Energy Use: 2016-2021 recent views
State of New York —
The Utility Energy Registry (UER) is a database platform that provides streamlined public access to aggregated community-scale utility-reported energy data. The UER... -
DOE User-Facilities and R&D Equipment recent views
Department of Energy —
This dataset contains information about hundreds of designated user-facilities and R&D equipment funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and accessible to the... -
FERC Form 1 Electric Utility Cost, Energy Sales, Peak Demand, and Customer Count Data 1994-2019 recent views
Department of Energy —
This spreadsheet contains information reported by over 200 investor-owned utilities to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the annual filing FERC Form 1 for... -
Low-Income Energy Affordability Data - LEAD Tool - 2018 Update recent views
Department of Energy —
The Low-Income Energy Affordability Data (LEAD) Tool was created by the Better Building's Clean Energy for Low Income Communities Accelerator (CELICA) to help state... -
Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of the People's Republic of China recent views
Department of the Interior —
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled a geodatabase containing mineral-related geospatial data for the People's Republic of China. The data can be used in... -
2022 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) Cost and Performance Data for Transportation Technologies recent views
Department of Energy —
The 2022 Transportation Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) provides detailed cost and performance data, estimates, and assumptions for vehicle and fuel technologies in... -
Energy Usage Analysis System recent views
General Services Administration —
The EUAS application is a web based system which serves Energy Center of Expertise, under the Office of Facilitates Management and Service Programs. EUAS is used for... -
The Urban Energy-Water Nexus: Utility-Level Water Flows and Embedded Energy recent views
Department of Energy —
There are limited open source data available for determining water production/treatment and required energy for cities across the United States. This database... -
Municipal Building Energy Usage recent views
Allegheny County / City of Pittsburgh / Western PA Regional Data Center —
This data set contains energy use data from 2009-2014 for 139 municipally operated buildings. Metrics include: Site & Source EUI, annual electricity, natural gas... -
QFER CEC-1304 Power Plant Owner Reporting Database recent views
State of California —
Following an Order Instituting Rulemaking initiated in October 2005, amendments adopted by the Energy Commission and approved by California's Office of Administrative... -
End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock recent views
Department of Energy —
The United States is embarking on an ambitious transition to a 100% clean energy economy by 2050, which will require improving the flexibility of electric grids. One... -
FATA Infrastructure Program (FIP) Case Study recent views
US Agency for International Development —
FATA Infrastructure Program (FIP) is a key component of the USAID/Pakistan stabilization strategy for Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Decades... -
Limited Electrical Business License recent views
Montgomery County of Maryland —
This dataset contains a list of Limited Electrical Business License information. An Electrical Contractor's Business License is required for any person, firm,... -
NYC Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory recent views
City of New York —
The Inventory of New York City Greenhouse Gas Emissions is an annual report that measures where emissions come from and tracks the City’s progress in reducing them.... -
Compilation of Geospatial Data (GIS) for the Mineral Industries and Related Infrastructure of Select Countries in Southwest Asia recent views
Department of the Interior —
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled a geodatabase containing mineral-related geospatial data for 10 countries of interest in Southwest Asia (area of... -
New England Dashboard recent views
Department of Energy —
To increase customer understanding of weather-related energy issues in New England, EIA released an interactive dashboard showing energy market conditions in that...