California Vegetation - WHRTYPE recent views
State of California —
An accurate depiction of the spatial distribution of habitat types within California is required for a variety of legislatively-mandated government functions. The... -
California High Hazard Zones (Tier 2) recent views
State of California —
On October 30, 2015 Governor Brown issued an emergency declaration requiring public agencies to identify areas of tree mortality that hold the greatest potential to... -
California High Hazard Zones (Tier 1) recent views
State of California —
On October 30, 2015 Governor Brown issued an emergency declaration requiring public agencies to identify areas of tree mortality that hold the greatest potential to... -
Explore California Historical Wildland Fire Perimeters App recent views
State of California —
CAL FIRE's Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) annually maintains and distributes an historical fire perimeter dataset from across public and private lands in... -
California County Boundaries recent views
State of California —
In late 1996, the Dept of Conservation (DOC) surveyed state and federal agencies about the county boundary coverage they used. As a result, DOC adopted the 1:24,000... -
CAL FIRE Forest Districts TA83 recent views
State of California —
Forest Districts established by the California Dept of Forestry and Fire Protection for use in timber harvest regulation. Non-federally owned commercial forest areas... -
Facilities for Wildland Fire Protection recent views
State of California —
This dataset is intended to provide a statewide depiction of CALFIRE and contract facilities for fire suppression. It includes state and local funded fire stations,... -
Facilities for Wildland Fire Protection recent views
State of California —
This dataset is intended to provide a statewide depiction of CALFIRE and contract facilities for fire suppression. It includes state and local funded fire stations,... -
CAL FIRE Emergency Notices All TA83 recent views
State of California —
Combined recent and historical Notices of Emergency (EMs) Timber Operations accepted by the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection under the... -
CAL FIRE Working Forest Management Plans and Notices TA83 recent views
State of California —
Working Forest Management Plans (WFMPs) and Working Forest Harvest Notices (WFNs) approved by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for landowners... -
CAL FIRE Emergency Notices TA83 recent views
State of California —
Combined recent and historical Notices of Emergency (EMs) Timber Operations accepted by the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection under the... -
CAL FIRE Exemption Notices Right-of-Way TA83 recent views
State of California —
All Exemption Notices (EXs) of Timber Operations accepted by the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection. Operations are exempt from the plan... -
CAL FIRE Nonindustrial Timber Management Plans TA83 recent views
State of California —
Nonindustrial Timber Management Plans (NTMPs) and Notices of Timber Operations (NTOs) approved by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for... -
CAL FIRE Working Forest Management Plans TA83 recent views
State of California —
Working Forest Management Plans (WFMPs) and Working Forest Harvest Notices (WFNs) approved by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection for landowners... -
CAL FIRE Emergency Notices Historical TA83 recent views
State of California —
Combined recent and historical Notices of Emergency (EMs) Timber Operations accepted by the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection under the... -
California Historical Wildland Fire Perimeters Exploratory Map recent views
State of California —
CAL FIRE's Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) annually maintains and distributes an historical fire perimeter dataset from across public and private lands in... -
CAL FIRE Timber Harvest Viewer recent views
State of California —
The CAL FIRE Timber Harvest Viewer is a public app that allows users to search for, filter, and view approved and proposed harvest plans, add additional data sets,... -
California Tree Mortality Viewer recent views
State of California —
Five long years of drought, combined with the increased infestation of native bark beetles as a result of the drought, have contributed to the death of millions of... -
Cal VTP Treatable Landscapes - Web Application recent views
State of California —
This web application provides a viewing platform for the California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) web map. The...