Side-scan Sonar Data, 2014-2015, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
The side scan sonar survey was done simultaneously with the bathymetry swath survey and used an EdgeTech Model 4125 Towfish bow-mounted from Lookdown at 400 and 900... -
Ground-truth sampling locations, 2014-2015, Cape Cod National Seashore recent views
Department of the Interior —
GIS point data of stations in which biological and sediment grab samples were collected with a Young Modified Van Veen (0.04m squared surface area) by the Center for... -
Benthic Community Dynamics in Coyote Creek and Artesian Slough, Southern San Francisco Bay, California, May 2016 to March 2018 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Benthic invertebrate communities are monitored because the composition of those communities can affect and be affected by the water quality of an aquatic system.... -
Biotopes, 2014-2015, Cape Cod National Seashore, as determined by Coastal/Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) Classification recent views
Department of the Interior —
Benthic habitat maps were developed for the CACO study areas following the top-down mapping approach, for which habitat map units are geologically defined based on... -
Ground-truth Data, Submerged Marine Habitat Mapping, Cape Cod National Seashore recent views
Department of the Interior —
These files contain ground-truth data collected in support of Submerged Marine Habitat Mapping at Cape Cod National Seashore. Files include data concerning CTD... -
Benthic Community and Bivalve Metrics Data in the Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta from 2015 to 2018. recent views
Department of the Interior —
Declining phytoplankton biomass and the resulting stress on the food web has been suggested as one contributor to the decline of Delta Smelt and other fish species in... -
Ground-truthing images, 2014-2015, Cape Cod National Seashore recent views
Department of the Interior —
Still images taken in conjunction with biological and sediment grab samples in order to describe the benthic invertebrate community and sediment characteristics of... -
Ground-truth Data, Submerged Marine Habitat Mapping, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Collection of benthic infauna and epifauna used a 0.04 m2 Ted Young Modified Van Veen grab. Three replicate benthic samples were collected at 23 sites to total 69... -
Vessel Configuration Files, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Vessel configuration descriptions for submerged mapping cruises for acoustic surveys associated with submerged mapping cruises. The side scan sonar survey was done... -
Infaunal Sampling Survey Data, 2014-2015, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Collection of benthic infauna and epifauna used a 0.04 m2 Ted Young Modified Van Veen grab. Three replicate benthic samples were collected at 23 sites to total 69... -
Ground-truthing images, 2014-2015, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Collection of benthic infauna and epifauna used a 0.04 m2 Ted Young Modified Van Veen grab. Three replicate benthic samples were collected at 23 sites to total 69... -
Mapping Extent for Sidescan Sonar and Bathymetry Data, 2014-2015, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Polygon shapefile showing the coverage area of the acoustic mapping at Sandy Hook, NJ between July 2015 and August 2015. The side scan sonar survey was done... -
Mapping Extent for Bathymetry Data, 2014-2015, Cape Cod National Seashore recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset shows the extent of bathymetry data collected during acoustic surveys completed within and adjacent to the boundaries of Cape Cod National Seashore... -
Ground-truth sampling locations, 2014-2015, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
GIS point data of stations in which biological and sediment grab samples were collected. Collection of benthic infauna and epifauna used a 0.04 m2 Ted Young Modified... -
Eel grass coverage, 2015, Cape Cod National Seashore recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset shows the eelgrass data extent identified from the acoustic surveys completed within and adjacent to the boundaries of Cape Cod National Seashore (CaCo)... -
Coastal/Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) Benthic Habitat Classifications, 2014-2015, Cape Cod National Seashore recent views
Department of the Interior —
Benthic habitat maps were developed for the CACO study areas following the top-down mapping approach, for which habitat map units are geologically defined based on... -
Cruise Track Lines, 2015, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
Line shapefile showing the track lines of the acoustic mapping at Sandy Hook, NJ between July 2015 and August 2015. The side scan sonar survey was done simultaneously... -
1m Depth Contours, 2015, Gateway National Recreation Area recent views
Department of the Interior —
1m depth contours, derived from Sandy Hook bayside bathymetry, 1m resolution raster. The side scan sonar survey was done simultaneously with the bathymetry swath... -
Mapping Extent for Sidescan Sonar Data, 2014-2015, Cape Cod National Seashore recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset shows the extent of sidescan sonar data collected during acoustic surveys completed within and adjacent to the boundaries of Cape Cod National Seashore...