Historical and future temperature trends (Map Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the... -
Historical annual temperature (CONUS) (Image Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the... -
Mean high water (MHW) shorelines along the coast of California used to calculated shoreline change from 1998 to 2016 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains mean high water (MHW) shorelines for sandy beaches along the coast of California for the years 1998/2002, 2015, and 2016. The MHW elevation in... -
Raw data for urban trees in California communities recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This study used data from field plots in urban areas to describe forest structure (e.g., tree numbers, density, basal area, species composition) for six land use... -
Satellite-derived shorelines for the U.S. Atlantic coast (1984-2021) recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains shoreline positions derived from available Landsat satellite imagery for five states (Delaware, Maryland, Viginia, Georgia, and Florida) along... -
Historical and future snow trends (Map Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the... -
Species occurrence data from the Range-Wide Bull Trout eDNA Project recent views
Department of Agriculture —
These data include 2015 - 2018 eDNA field sample points indicating lab results for presence or absence of bull trout. Sample sites are spaced at a 1 kilometer... -
Oblique Photographs Taken During Low-Altitude Transects of the Arctic Network of National Park Units and Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, July 2013 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset contains aerial oblique digital photos taken of the arctic landscape during low altitude photo survey transects in northwest Alaska, July 2013. Three... -
Number of Frost-Free Days (Map Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
Date of freeze for historical (1985-2005) and future (2071-2090, RCP 8.5) time periods, and absolute change between them, based on analysis of MACAv2METDATA. Download... -
Daily water column temperature predictions for thousands of Midwest U.S. lakes between 1979-2022 and under future climate scenarios recent views
Department of the Interior —
Lake temperature is an important environmental metric for understanding habitat suitability for many freshwater species and is especially useful when temperatures are... -
Historical annual precipitation (CONUS) (Image Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The National Forest Climate Change Maps project was developed by the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) and the Office of Sustainability and Climate to meet the... -
FIA Woodland Species Forest Biomass (Image Service) recent views
Department of Agriculture —
The U.S. has been providing national-scale estimates of forest carbon stocks and stock change to meet United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change reporting... -
Louisville Metro KY - Urban Heat Island Neighborhood Data recent views
Louisville Metro Government —
Mayor Greg Fischer formed the Louisville Metro Office of Sustainability in 2012 with a mission of promoting environmental conservation, the health, wellness and... -
CoSMoS (Coastal Storm Modeling System) Central California v3.1 water-level projections: 100-year storm in San Mateo County recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data contains model-derived total water levels (in meters) for the sea-level rise (SLR) and storm condition indicated. The Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)... -
Peak Streamflow Data, Climate Data, and Results from Investigating Hydroclimatic Trends and Climate Change Effects on Peak Streamflow in the Central United States, 1921–2020 recent views
Department of the Interior —
Peak-flow frequency analysis is crucial in various water-resources management applications, including floodplain management and critical structure design. Federal... -
Nearshore waves in southern California: hindcast, and modeled historical and 21st-century projected time series recent views
Department of the Interior —
Abstract: This data release presents modeled time series of nearshore waves along the southern California coast, from Point Conception to the Mexican border,... -
RiverWare Daily Simulated values of Streamflow from 2006-2099: Oklahoma recent views
Department of the Interior —
Daily streamflow and reservoir water elevation data for modeled locations in the Red River Basin. Values reported are for 18 different GCM (Global Climate Model) /... -
Land use in the Dakotas 2006 (a) showing major crops reported in Arora et al Ag Econ submission recent views
Department of the Interior —
2006 Land Use in the Dakotas (Cropland Data Layer, USDA NASS). The color legend represents various land use types in the region. -
Spatially explicit estimates of ecological resilience and resistance across the sagebrush biome under ambient and projected historical and future climate conditions recent views
Department of the Interior —
These data were compiled to provide a quantitative, spatially explicit estimate of ecological resilience and resistance (R&R) under ambient and projected future...