Board of Veterans' Appeals Decisions recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Board of Veterans' Appeals (also known as 'BVA' or 'the Board') is a part of the VA, located in Washington, D.C. Members of the Board review benefit claims... -
Nursing Home Compare recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
Nursing Home Compare has detailed information about every Medicare and Medicaid nursing home in the country. A nursing home is a place for people who can’t be cared... -
Electronic Medical Record Service recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
This service provides web services used to obtain clinical data for patients. There are three service methods that allow write functionality signNote, writeNote and... -
Veterans Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Veterans Affairs Surgical Quality Improvement Program (VASQIP) database resides in the VA National Surgery Office (NSO) and is a quality assurance activity-... -
Federal Environmental Requirements for Construction recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
This guide provides information on federal environmental requirements for construction projects. It is written primarily for owners of construction projects and for... -
VHA Support Service Center Capital Assets (VSSC) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The VHA Support Service Center Capital Assets Databases is a web based project application and tracking database. This is used for capital project application... -
Resident Assessment Instrument/Minimum Data Set (RAI/MDS) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Resident Assessment Instrument/Minimum Data Set (RAI/MDS) is a comprehensive assessment and care planning process used by the nursing home industry since 1990 as... -
Managerial Cost Accounting System recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
VA's Managerial Cost Accounting System is the designated Managerial Cost Accounting (MCA) System of the Department of Veterans Affairs. This system is the... -
Patient Treatment File (PTF) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
This database is part of the National Medical Information System (NMIS). The Patient Treatment File (PTF) contains a record for each inpatient care episode provided... -
Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is increasingly dependent upon data. Most of its employees generate and use vast amounts of data on a daily basis. To improve... -
VA-OHE-NVHER-FY13-Diagnoses-Mental-Illness recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
A subset of the FY13 National Veteran Health Equity Report, filtered by mental illness. The National Veteran Health Equity Report details patterns and provides... -
ICD9 and ICD10 Comorbid Diagnosis for High Risk Veteran Patients recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
There are 2 datasets of high-risk patient populations; one from calendar year 2014 (N1 = 937,407), for which we used International Classification of Disease Version 9... -
Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation (VERA) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation (VERA) database, is operated by the Allocation Resource Center (ARC) in Braintree, MA. The ARC is part of the Resource... -
Mental Health Statistics Explorer recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
This application provided a way for the public to explore and analyze VA Mental Health Statistics (FY2015 Annual Datasheet). -
All Employee Survey (AES) 2022 - 2023 recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
VA All Employee Survey (AES) data from the 2022 & 2023 AES administrations. Scores are provided at the station level and up, and the occupation level within... -
Behavioral Health Autopsy Program (BHAP) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
Following the death of a Veteran by suicide, BHAP receives post-mortem medical data and interviewee contact information from VHA suicide prevention coordinators. Data... -
All Employee Census Survey (AES) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The Office of Personnel Management requires government agencies, at a minimum, to query employees on job satisfaction, organizational assessment and organizational... -
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Lookback Dataset (CJDLD) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
The tracking system is for patients identified in the Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD) lookback notification initiative established in January 1995 as part of the... -
Electronic Signature (eSig) recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
Beginning with the Government Paperwork Elimination Act of 1998 (GPEA), the Federal government has encouraged the use of electronic / digital signatures to enable... -
VA National Mental Health Statistics - 2015 recent views
Department of Veterans Affairs —
VAMC-level statistics on the prevalence, mental health utilization, non-mental health utilization, mental health workload, and psychological testing of Veterans with...