Storm surge model projections, statistical analysis, and summary data set recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
All data associated with this data entry are the simulations related storm surge in three case study locations. These simulated water height, wind and other physical... -
ISA Literature screening dataset v.1 recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
This dataset contains one instance of the information used in searching and screening peer-reviewed literature to identify references to be used in EPA's Integrated... -
PNW Hydrologic Landscape Class recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Work has been done to expand the hydrologic landscapes (HLs) concept and to develop an approach for using it to address streamflow vulnerability from climate change.... -
Simulated gastric leachate of 3D printer metal-fill filaments induces cytotoxic effects in rat and human intestinal models recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Supplemental material for "Hughes MF, Clapper HM, Tedla G, Sowers TD, Rogers KR. Simulated gastric leachate of 3D printer metal-fill filaments induces cytotoxic... -
Size-selective performance evaluation of candidate aerosol inlets using polydisperse aerosols recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Presented are detailed techniques for the generation, collection, and analysis of polydisperse calibration aerosols for wind tunnel evaluation of size-selective... -
Detection and Quantification of Silver Nanoparticles at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations Using Asymmetric Flow Field−Flow Fractionation Online with Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The presence of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in aquatic environments could potentially cause adverse impacts on ecosystems and human health. However, current... -
Foresight in Federal Government: Supplemental Information - Interview Summaries recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Interview Summaries with Federal Government partners. This dataset is associated with the following publication: O'Farrell, T., B. Burchard, R. Olson, and J.... -
Characterizing Chemical Exposure Trends from NHANES Urinary Biomonitoring Data recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Supplementary material for "Characterizing Chemical Exposure Trends from NHANES Urinary Biomonitoring Data". This dataset is associated with the following... -
Southern toad population projections recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Environmental and demographic information used in population projections. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Awkerman, J., and C. Greenberg.... -
Data and Supporting Information for "Sublethal toxicity of 17 PFASs with diverse structures to Ceriodaphnia dubia, Hyalella azteca, and Chironomus dilutus", manuscript submitted to Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry July 7., 2023 recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Data and supporting information for "Sublethal toxicity of 17 PFASs with diverse structures to Ceriodaphnia dubia, Hyalella azteca, and Chironomus dilutus",... -
Assessing Toxicokinetic Uncertainty and Variability in Risk Prioritization recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The supplemental information for this paper includes chemical-specific analytical methods, raw instrument data for chemical concentration analysis, processed data for... -
Density declines, richness increases, and composition shifts in stream macroinvertebrates recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Datasets and code for analyses and generation of... -
Influence of Coal Ash Leachates and Emergent Macrophytes on Water Quality in Wetland Microcosms recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Influence of Coal Ash Leachates and Emergent Macrophytes on Water Quality in Wetland Microcosms. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Olson, L.,... -
Urine pH and Risk of Bladder Cancer in Northern New England recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Primary data and study file for "Fischer AH, Wong JY, Baris D, Koutros S, Karagas MR, Schwenn M, Johnson A, Alguacil J, Silverman DT, Rothman N. Urine pH and Risk of... -
Oxidative degradation of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting compounds in water recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The dataset includes: TEM micrographs of rGO-Ag0/Fe3O4 NH. XRD patterns, FT-IR spectra, and UV-Vis absorption spectra of rGO, AgNP, and rGO-Ag0/Fe3O4 NH. X-ray... -
Evaluation of SWAT reservoir, ponds, and wetlands tools in water and sediment simulation in the Rock River watershed recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The dataset supported findings in the study: "Evaluation of SWAT reservoir, ponds, and wetlands tools in water and sediment simulation in the Rock River watershed".... -
MetSim: Integrated Programmatic Access and Pathway Management for Xenobiotic Metabolism Simulators recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
With exception of metabolic simulations performed using TIMES (version, all work was performed using Python (version 3.10.4) run with IPython (version... -
Combining Nontargeted Analysis with Computer-Based Hazard Comparison Approaches to Support Prioritization of Unregulated Organic Contaminants in Biosolids recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
Dataset for "Matthew N. Newmeyer, Qinfan Lyu, Jon R. Sobus, Antony J. Williams, Keeve E. Nachman, and Carsten Prasse. Environmental Science & Technology 2024 58...