Forest Inventory and Biophysical Measurements, Brazilian Amazon, 2009-2018 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset provides the complete catalog of forest inventory and biophysical measurements collected over selected forest research sites across the Amazon rainforest... -
NACP North American Forest Dynamics Project: Forest Disturbance and Regrowth Data recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set provides the results of time-series analyses of Landsat imagery for 55 selected forested sites across the conterminous U.S.A. The output is a pair of... -
Global Forest Ecosystem Structure and Function Data For Carbon Balance Research recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
A comprehensive global database has been assembled to quantify CO2 fluxes and pathways across different levels of integration (from photosynthesis up to net ecosystem... -
LBA-ECO LC-03 Hypsography, Rivers, Roads, and DEM, Four Areas across Brazilian Amazon recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set provides four related spatial data products for four study areas across the Brazilian Amazon: Manaus, Amazonas; Tapajos National Forest, Para Western... -
Global Fire Emissions Database, Version 4.1 (GFEDv4) NGDA recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset provides global estimates of monthly burned area, monthly emissions and fractional contributions of different fire types, daily or 3-hourly fields to... -
ATom: Aircraft Flight Track and Navigational Data recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset provides flight track and aircraft navigation data from the NASA Atmospheric Tomography Mission (ATom). Flight track information is available for the... -
A Global Database of Gas Fluxes from Soils after Rewetting or Thawing, Version 1.0 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This database contains information compiled from published studies on gas flux from soil following rewetting or thawing. The resulting database includes 222 field and... -
LiDAR Surveys over Selected Forest Research Sites, Brazilian Amazon, 2008-2018 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset provides the complete catalog of point cloud data collected during LiDAR surveys over selected forest research sites across the Amazon rainforest in... -
Annual Land Use and Urban Land Cover: Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa, 2016-2020 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset provides a two-tier annual Land Use (LU) and Urban Land Cover (LC) product suite over three African countries, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and South Africa,... -
Global Maps of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition, 1860, 1993, and 2050 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set provides global gridded estimates of atmospheric deposition of total inorganic nitrogen (N), NHx (NH3 and NH4+), and NOy (all oxidized forms of nitrogen... -
ABoVE: Wolf Denning Phenology and Reproductive Success, Alaska and Canada, 2000-2017 NGDA recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset provides annual gray wolf (Canis lupus) denning spatial information and timing, associated climatic and phenologic metrics, and reproductive success... -
CMS: LiDAR Data for Forested Areas in Paragominas, Para, Brazil, 2012-2014 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set provides raw LiDAR point cloud data and derived Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) for five forested areas in the municipality of Paragominas, Para, Brazil,... -
NACP Site: Terrestrial Biosphere Model and Aggregated Flux Data in Standard Format recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set provides standardized output variables for gross primary productivity (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE), leaf area index (LAI), ecosystem respiration... -
LBA-ECO LC-08 Soil, Vegetation, and Land Cover Maps for Brazil and South America recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set provides (1) soil maps for Brazil that are digital versions of the MAPA DE SOLOS DO BRASIL (EMBRAPA, 1981) classified at three levels of detail,... -
NACP Site: Terrestrial Biosphere Model Output Data in Original Format recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set contains the original model output data submissions from the 24 terrestrial biosphere models (TBM) that participated in the North American Carbon... -
RLC Forest Fire Images in Russia, 1998-1999 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set is made up of images of forest fires in Russia from NOAA's Operational Significant Event Imagery (OSEI) archive (http://www.osei.noaa.gov) for the 1998... -
LBA-ECO CD-06 Physical, Political, and Hydrologic Maps, Ji-Parana River Basin, Brazil recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This data set contains physical, hydrologic, political, demographic, and societal maps for the Ji-Parana River Basin, in the state of Rondonia, Brazil. These data... -
VEMAP 2: Annual Ecosystem Model Responses to U.S. Climate Change, 1994-2100 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
Phase 2 of the VEMAP Project developed historical (1895-1993) gridded data sets of climate (temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, humidity, and wind speed) and... -
SHIFT: AVIRIS-NG Full-Resolution True Color Images recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset holds full-resolution 3-band (true color) imagery acquired by NASA's Airborne Visible / Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG)... -
Delta-X: Feldspar Sediment Accretion Measurements, MRD, LA, USA, 2019-2023, Version 4 recent views
National Aeronautics and Space Administration —
This dataset provides elevation, hydrogeomorphic zone classification, soil carbon content, bulk density, organic matter content, and sediment accretion measurements...