Monthly and Annual Energy Consumption by Sector recent views
Department of Energy —
Monthly data since January 1973 and annual data since 1949 on U.S. primary and total energy consumption by end-use sector (residential, commercial, industrial,... -
Electricity Data and Statistics Application Programming Interface (API) recent views
Department of Energy —
Monthly, quarterly, and annual data on electricity generation, consumption, retail sales, price, revenue from retail sales, useful thermal output, fossil fuel stocks,... -
Consumption & Efficiency Data and Statistics recent views
Department of Energy —
Data and statistics on energy consumption in homes, commercial buildings, manufacturing, and transportation. Data released monthly or annually. -
Total Energy Data and Statistics recent views
Department of Energy —
Comprehensive monthly and annual time series on all energy sources. Data on production, consumption, reserves, stocks, prices, imports, and exports. Monthly time... -
U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves recent views
Department of Energy —
Annual data on proved reserves of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids in the U.S. Based on EIA Form-23L data. Proved reserves are estimated volumes of... -
Collection Annual Electricity Price by State recent views
Department of Energy —
Annual data on the average price of retail electricity to consumers. Data organized by U.S. state and by provider, i.e., total electric industry, full-service... -
Petroleum Data: Prices Application Programming Interface (API) recent views
Department of Energy —
Prices of petroleum products and crude oil. Weekly, monthly, and annual data available. Users of the EIA API are required to obtain an API Key via this registration... -
Renewable and Alternative Fuels Data and Statistics recent views
Department of Energy —
Monthly and annual data on renewable energy, i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind. Also data on alternative transportation fuels, i.e., hydrogen,... -
Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey recent views
Department of Energy —
The Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) is a national sample survey that collects information on the stock of U.S. commercial buildings, their... -
State Energy Data System (SEDS) recent views
Department of Energy —
EIA's State Energy Data System (SEDS) is a comprehensive data set that consists of annual time series estimates of state-level energy use by major economic sectors,... -
Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Files, All Data, 2015 recent views
Department of Energy —
The 2015 study represents the 14th iteration of the RECS program. First conducted in 1978, the Residential Energy Consumption Survey is a national sample survey that... -
Bulk Download Facility recent views
Department of Energy —
The bulk download facility provides the entire contents of each major API data set in a single ZIP file. A small JSON formatted manifest file lists the bulk files and... -
Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Files, Energy Consumption, 2009 recent views
Department of Energy —
This 2009 version represents the 13th iteration of the RECS program. First conducted in 1978, the Residential Energy Consumption Survey is a national sample survey... -
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Annual data on the number of on-road alternative fuel vehicles and hybrid vehicles made available in the U.S. Data on the use of alternative fueled vehicles and the... -
Petroleum & Other Liquids Data and Statistics recent views
Department of Energy —
Weekly, monthly, and annual data on crude oil, gasoline, diesel, propane, jet fuel, ethanol, and other liquid fuels. Domestic and international data on petroleum... -
Collection Natural Gas Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Data and statistics on natural gas prices, exploration and reserves, production, imports and exports, storage, pipelines, and consumption. Data released on a weekly,... -
Collection Coal Data Collection recent views
Department of Energy —
International and domestic data on coal production, consumption, prices, reserves, stocks, imports, exports, distribution, and transportation rates. Weekly, monthly,... -
Nuclear & Uranium Data and Statistics recent views
Department of Energy —
Data on uranium and nuclear fuel, nuclear power plants and reactors, radioactive waste, and nuclear power generation. International data on nuclear generation also... -
Collection Annual Electric Power Industry Data recent views
Department of Energy —
Historical U.S. electric utility data. Data on generation, electric purchases, peak load, sales, revenues, customer counts, demand-side management programs, green... -
Petroleum Data Application Programming Interface (API) recent views
Department of Energy —
Data on crude oil reserves and production; refining and processing; imports, exports, movements; stocks; prices; and consumption/sales are available in machine-...