Property Sale History recent views
Arlington County, VA —
For every real estate property in Arlington which has been sold, this dataset includes property sales information and can be associated with other Real Estate... -
Active Business Licenses recent views
Arlington County, VA —
All businesses operating in Arlington must be licensed and renewed annually. This dataset includes all active business licenses, excluding in-home businesses for... -
Housing - Average Apartment Rent recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,... -
Building Energy Usage recent views
Arlington County, VA —
Energy usage and usage type for County-owned or occupied buildings -
Traffic Cameras recent views
Arlington County, VA —
Traffic cameras are used on some Arlington street intersections to facilitate traffic management. This dataset includes all traffic cameras in use and their locations. -
Property recent views
Arlington County, VA —
This dataset includes every real estate property in Arlington and general information about that property, including address and property use and legal description... -
Population - Veteran Population recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,... -
Active Dog Licenses recent views
Arlington County, VA —
All pet dogs are required to be licensed in Arlington, excluding service dogs. This dataset includes all active dog licenses. -
Family Child Care Centers recent views
Arlington County, VA —
List of Family Child Care Centers -
Households - Household Income recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,... -
Parks & Recreation Facility Reservations recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Dept of Parks and Recreation manages park, tennis court, rectangular field, picnic shelter, diamond field, community center and other facility... -
Employee Demographics recent views
Arlington County, VA —
List of Arlington County employees in permanent positions at the start of the current Fiscal Year. Data includes demographic information as well as the employee’s... -
Food Service Inspections recent views
Arlington County, VA —
List of results for inspections performed at permitted food service facilities. -
Employment - Top 10 Private Employers recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,... -
Fire Department Incidents recent views
Arlington County, VA —
This dataset includes a list of of all emergency phone calls directed to the Arlington Fire Dept, and includes incident date, type and location. Location has been... -
Population - Persons with Disabilities recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,... -
Transportation - Bicycle & Pedestrain Counts recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,... -
Trade Names recent views
Arlington County, VA —
A Trade Name is a name used by a business owner that is different than that which is registered by the State Corporation Commission. This data set contains all... -
Population - Total Population and Density recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,... -
Employment - Employment Totals recent views
Arlington County, VA —
The Arlington Profile combines countywide data sources and provides a comprehensive outlook of the most current data on population, housing, employment, development,...