Medi-Span recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Medi-Span pharmacy reference database -
Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) Payroll recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The goal for Payroll Data Feed is to securely acquire pay data for all Federal Civilian employees by leveraging existing data extraction processes to the extent... -
Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey is climate survey and results allow decision makers to assess how employees jointly experience the policies, practices, and... -
eOPF Master Forms List recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) Master Forms list includes Permanent and Temporary forms that are consistent with the U.S. Office of Personnel... -
Medicare Part A and B Claims Data recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Quarterly record of Medicare Part A and Part B claims -
FedScope Employment Cubes recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
This set of quarterly cubes provides employee population data. The numbers reflect the actual number of employees at the end of a quarter but, for many agencies, may... -
Fraud and Abuse Report recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Overpayments by number of participants and by dollar amount, sorted by organization responsible for overpayment, with amount recovered. -
EHRI Statistical Data Mart (EHRI-SDM) recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The Enterprise Human Resources Integration-Statistical Data Mart (EHRI-SDM) is a statistically cleansed sub-set of the data contained in the EHRI data warehouse. It... -
Central Personnel Data File (CPDF) recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Precursor to the Enterprise Human Resources Integration-Statistical Data Mart (EHRI-SDM). It contains information about the employee and their history of their... -
OPM Personality Assessment for Leaders recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The OPM Personality Assessment for Leaders (OPM-PAL) is a developmental assessment designed to assess the personality traits of Federal leaders. The assessment is... -
Fraud Waste and Abuse Annual Report recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The FWA report includes specific data requirements such as reporting the number of fraud and abuse cases, amount of losses, recoveries, and savings and types of... -
Email Sample Report recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Weekly Sample of reviewed emails with review score and reasons. -
OPM Leadership 360 recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The OPM Leadership 360â„¢ is a survey that helps Federal leaders identify their leadership strengths and developmental needs. The assessment provides feedback on... -
Headcount/CFO Report recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Aggregate payroll data from CFO system -
Annual Procurement Plan Data Call/Annual Forecast of Contracting Opportunities recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
OPO requests all programs and offices submit its Planned Procurements that align with the OPM Strategic Plan and its Operating Plans submitted to the OCFO. Public Law... -
Cybersecurity Workforce Dashboard - Public recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The Cyber Workforce Dashboard provides interactive government-wide level data and visuals on employees working in information technology (IT), cybersecurity, and... -
Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Repository of information for the federal employee's personnel file. The Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) is an electronic version of the paper OPF,... -
Time to Hire Dashboard recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
Provides insight into how well agencies compare to governmentwide average time-to-hire metrics for Mission Critical Occupations. Agencies report time-to-hire data for... -
OPM Leadership Potential Assessment recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
The OPM Leadership Potential Assessment (LPA) is a survey that assists agencies with identifying employees across all leadership levels that have the ability to... -
Hiring Manager Satisfaction Dashboard - Public recent views
Office of Personnel Management —
This dashboard was created in response to the November 30, 2022 President’s Management Agenda memorandum requesting agency actions on success metrics related...