This dataset consists of reflectance spectra of small lunar areas measured in 120 spectral channels from 0.62 to 2.6 micrometers using the McCord circular-variable-filter (CVF) near-infrared photometer. A small aperture allows light from the selected lunar area to pass through the CVF and onto the detector. Each spectral channel is obtained sequentially as the CVF is rotated. Data were acquired using the 2.2 m telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. All spectra have been scaled to a given wavelength. Spectral resolution varies somewhat from run to run. The first half of the CVF produces data at approximately twice the spectral resolution as the second half joined are unreliable. All data were acquired as relative reflectance spectra and were calibrated to scaled reflectance data using a directional-hemispheric (diffuse) spectrum of Apollo 16 soil acquired by J. B. Adams.