Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN-Daily), Version 3 recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily (GHCN-Daily/GHCNd) dataset integrates daily climate observations from approximately 30 different data sources.... -
USGS Water-Quality Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The USGS compiles online access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the... -
1 meter Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) - USGS National Map 3DEP Downloadable Data Collection NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
This is a tiled collection of the 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) and is one meter resolution. The 3DEP data holdings serve as the elevation layer of The National Map,... -
5-Minute Surface Weather Observations from the Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS) Network recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This dataset includes five-minute reports with elements for wind speed and direction, visibility, present weather, temperature, dew point temperature, station... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2019, nation, U.S., Primary Roads National Shapefile NGDA recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master... -
Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
The Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) is an integrated database of severe weather records for the United States. SWDI enables a user to search through a variety of... -
NOAA NEXt-Generation RADar (NEXRAD) Products NGDA recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This dataset consists of Level III weather radar products collected from Next-Generation Radar (NEXRAD) stations located in the contiguous United States, Alaska,... -
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) - USGS National Map Downloadable Data Collection NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) is a comprehensive aggregated collection of hydrologic unit data consistent with the national criteria for delineation and... -
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) - USGS National Map Downloadable Data Collection NGDA recent views
Department of the Interior —
The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is a feature-based database that interconnects and uniquely identifies the stream segments or reaches that make up the nation's... -
TIGER/Line Shapefile, 2016, nation, U.S., Primary Roads National Shapefile recent views
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce —
The TIGER/Line shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master... -
USGS Water Use Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Use Information Program is responsible for compiling and disseminating the nation's water-use data. The USGS works in... -
USGS Surface-Water Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The USGS compiles online access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the... -
LANID: Landsat-based irrigation dataset for CONUS 2018-20 recent views
Department of the Interior —
This data release provides a monthly irrigation water use reanalysis for the period 2000-20 for all U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Watershed Boundary Dataset of... -
USGS 1 meter Digital Elevation Model recent views
OpenTopography —
The 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) data serve as the elevation layer of The National Map, and provide basic elevation information for Earth science studies and mapping... -
USGS Groundwater Data for the Nation - National Water Information System (NWIS) recent views
Department of the Interior —
The USGS compiles online access to water-resources data collected at approximately 1.5 million sites in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the... -
United States Stage IV Quantitative Precipitation Archive recent views
Department of the Interior —
This dataset offers hourly estimates of radar indicated rain gage corrected precipitation at a roughly 4km spatial resolution. Mosaicked into a national product at... -
EnviroAtlas - Agricultural Water Demand by 12-Digit HUC for the Conterminous United States recent views
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency —
The national agricultural water demand metric provides insight into the amount of water used for agricultural irrigation in the contiguous United States. The... -
Electric Power Substations recent views
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce —
This feature class represents known electric power substations within the continental US and Puerto Rico that are located within 20 miles of the coastline.... -
Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) Southeast Alaska Annual Landcover (Image Service) NGDA recent views
Department of Agriculture —
This product is part of the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) data suite. It shows LCMS modeled land cover classes for each year. See additional information... -
USGS Elevation Contours Overlay Map Service from The National Map NGDA recent views
U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior —
The USGS Elevation Contours service from The National Map (TNM) consists of contours generated for the conterminous United States from 1- and 1/3 arc-second elevation...