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Liquor Moratorium Districts - Dry Precincts

Metadata Updated: December 2, 2023

The Illinois Liquor Control Act of 1934 permits voters in any precinct in the City of Chicago to vote an entire precinct “dry” through a local option referendum. If a precinct has been voted “dry,” no liquor licenses can be issued.

VOTE_DRY_I column is the Precinct/Ward which was voted dry. It reflects the Ward/Precinct that was effective at the date of the referendum. Ward/Precinct boundaries may have changed since that date. STATUS column indicates if the precinct was voted 'dry' or 'wet'. The Illinois Liquor Control Act of 1934 permits voters in any precinct in the City of Chicago to vote an entire precinct “dry” through a local option referendum.

If a precinct has been voted “Dry/Dry,” no liquor licenses, other than a caterer’s liquor license, may be issued.
If a precinct has been voted "Dry/Wet" no liquor licenses can be obtained for the consumption of alcohol on premise but the sale of package goods is allowed along with the caterer’s liquor license.

The VOTE_DRY_I column is the Precinct/Ward which was voted dry. It reflects the Ward/Precinct that was effective at the date of the referendum. Ward/Precinct boundaries may have changed since that date. STATUS column indicates if the precinct was voted 'dry/dry' or 'dry/wet'.

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: No license information was provided.

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Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date December 2, 2023

Metadata Source

Harvested from Chicago JSON

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date December 2, 2023
Data First Published 2011-11-02
Data Last Modified 2012-12-10
Category Community & Economic Development
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 54dec7eb-011d-4723-8fca-657b72e19d56
Harvest Source Id 7590e386-229e-453a-8e53-6f18e200e421
Harvest Source Title Chicago JSON
Homepage URL
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 810aa6bfe9af0f386c844fd7bdfbba2463fa1599c88623b699a43cf0497d2cb3
Source Schema Version 1.1

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