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Food Inspection

Metadata Updated: October 4, 2024

The Licensure & Regulatory Services Program inspects all licensed retail food establishments in Montgomery County for a variety of reasons (e.g. obtaining a permit, regular check-ups, or in response to complaints.) Included in this overall surveillance are two types of inspections that are conducted on a routine basis. The first type, a comprehensive inspection, is a thorough inspection that evaluates the sanitation, maintenance, and food service operations for the facility. This inspection includes many of the items found in the monitoring inspection, such as critical temperatures and food handling procedures. The second type, a monitoring inspection, involves checking the food service operation for critical food temperatures, equipment temperatures, and general food handling / cleanliness practices. While monitoring inspections are not as detailed as environmental inspections, they help ensure that the facility is operating safely throughout the year.

The frequency of inspections is based on the food-borne illness risks associated with the food being processed at a facility. Based on the risk each facility is designated as high, medium, or low priority. High priority risk facilities prepare food products a day or more in advance or utilize any combination of two or more processes such as a cooking, cooling, reheating and hot holding food over four hours. Moderate priority risk facilities prepare and cook food products which are served immediately or within four hours. A low priority risk facility serve prepackage foods that are not potentially hazardous.

For high risk facilities, a monitoring inspection is conducted at least twice a year, and moderate risk facilities are inspected at least once a year. High and moderate risk facilities also receive at least one comprehensive inspection every year. Low risk priority facilities typically receive one comprehensive inspection every two years.

(C) Denotes a Critical Violation. A Critical Violation means a food safety requirement that requires immediate correction. Failure for immediate correction results in cessation of some or all food operations or closure of the facility until violation is able to be corrected.

Update Frequency: Daily

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Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: This dataset is covered by different Terms of Use than License: No license information was provided.

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Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date October 4, 2024

Metadata Source

Harvested from montgomerycountymd json

Additional Metadata

Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Created Date November 10, 2020
Metadata Updated Date October 4, 2024
Data First Published 2023-07-26
Data Last Modified 2024-10-04
Category Health and Human Services
Public Access Level public
Metadata Context
Metadata Catalog ID
Schema Version
Catalog Describedby
Harvest Object Id 430af306-e908-4513-8d52-444d4cf14ebb
Harvest Source Id 8d269e22-ff3d-45d8-b878-47ef2aba7851
Harvest Source Title montgomerycountymd json
Homepage URL
Source Datajson Identifier True
Source Hash 78aa0aaca58f8d30e8047c4d97a142fc0af392da935922e62d7fbd1ecb5dadc8
Source Schema Version 1.1

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